Thursday, October 12, 2017

mural project review

1. Think of at least three ideas you have about what your team could take photos of, that are in the same theme? Be creative, but be realistic. You will be shooting OFF campus, and every member of your team will need to be able to take similar photos or whatever you decide to do as a group.

We could take pictures of plants. We could also shoot people. And we could capture constellations.

2. You will be using the school cameras or your own similar camera. You will need to shoot in Manual. What are three things you will have to think about when you are out shooting?

We have to think about aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

3. Although we have always done this assignment as a paper/printed product. I am interested in being able to show off these images/creations/murals online. What are some ideas you have on how to get these pieces onto the internet? List three ideas and how you would suggest to your team this second product gets created.

We could use  website building platforms such as weebly and wix. We can also use social media such as Instagram and Facebook. And finally we can just post them on our blogs.

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