Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Assignment #1:

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.

teachers, staff, school board

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

1. What's the use of uniforms?
2. Where did you get the idea of this?
3. Why would you do this to us?!
4. How would this help?
5. When will this haven?
6. Who was the idiot who came up with this?
7. Are there any positive effects?
8. Would parents agree with y'all?
9. What's the cost?
10. Will students have to buy the uniforms?
11. How will you respond to a protest?
12. Do you think we'll actually wear them?
13. What will the uniforms consist of?
14. Will all schools have different uniforms?
15. Why did you decide to do this just now?
16. Aren't you afraid of opposition?
17. Is there a study about uniforms?
18. Anything else to say?
19. Any concerns about the interview?
20. Any last words?

Assignment #2:

Imagine you are working, as a reporter, for the school newspaper and your editor gives you the assignment to interview the student of the month.

1. Please come up with 20 questions you could ask them and post them on your blog in a separate post called "Student of the Month Interview."

2. You will pair up with someone next class and ask them your questions, and they will get to ask you their questions. I will assign pairs.

3. Then post the answers you got on your blog, you can post them on the same or a different post. If you use the same post as above, please use a different color, or font, or you can use regular and italics.

1. what's your gpa?
2. who are you?!
3. What grade art thou?
4. how many friends do you have?why?!
5. what do you think of stupid people?
6. are you good at anything else?
7. how do you feel about this thing?
8. what are your friends saying 'bout this?
9. are they jealous? why?
10. how did you get to here?
11. what for did you receive this thing?
12. what's your favorite subject?
13. what do you do on your free time?
14. do you study before tests?
15. do you like school? what for?
16. who motivates you?
17. how much motivation do you receive daily?
18. Do you like your teachers?who?
19. do you like the staff here? why?
20. any comments regarding the interview?

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