Friday, March 2, 2018


UFO house:

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? unknown
2. When was it built? 1978
3. Where is it located? Taiwan
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? visit the site
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? to house us soldiers off duty
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) beacuse of the name. i also didn't want to do specific buildings. and i don't care for grammar anymore. i don't like this building. and the ufo in dombay looks way better.
Image result for ufo house taiwanImage result for ufo house dombay mountain
Nord LB:

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Gunther und Stefan Behnisch
2. When was it built? 2002
3. Where is it located? Germany
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? private
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? for a bank company hq
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) because it is located in Germany. and i like germany. I also want to sleep. why is Ethan looking at 911 info?
Image result for nord lb
Kunsthaus Graz:

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Colin Fournier
2. When was it built? 2003
3. Where is it located? Austria
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? visit it
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? it is an art museum
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) Because it looks cool. it's just a blob. a big blue blob. beautiful blob.
Image result for kunsthaus graz

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Andre Waterkyn
2. When was it built? 1958
3. Where is it located? Belgium
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? visit it
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? brussels world fair
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) because it is in belgium. i like europe. I want to go traveling there. instead, i have to sit here writing useless sentences.that was long.
Image result for atomium building
Habitat 67:

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Moshi Safdie
2. When was it built? 1967
3. Where is it located? Canada
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? housing complex
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? world fair
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) because it had a cool name. but i was rather disappointed. It doesn't look as great as it's name. i don't like this. last sentence.

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