Friday, January 26, 2018


A selfie is a self- portrait taken with the smart phone, typically with the front camera (the one facing the screen). A selfie can be made by yourself or with a group of socializing baboons like you. A selfie and a self- portrait are two different things that should never be confused or put together. A self- portrait is more complex and requires skills that selfies do not. There is a difference between a selfie and a self- portrait, and it requires a whole another sentence. This sentence is actually too short. This one should be good enough, oh wait, it should be blank, shouldn't it. Alright, back to the difference- self- portraits are more complex, take more time, and are more professional in every way that selfies. Beat that selfies. What now... What style do I prefer? I prefer breaststroke, but I don't mind medium rare, and I would like to use cursive. That answers the question, for you didn't specify which styles to choose from. Assuming you meant the selfies or self- portrait, I would prefer selfies, because they're easier and faster. And the self portraits are more important than the selfies, because snapchat selfie are worth nothing. Socializing baboons.

So I went to the website you linked, and I got lost. So I paced around the website until I found an open door. That door accidentally happened to be a link to a different website. As soon as I entered this new website, I got lost again. but I quickly found the title. It was "FStoppers", which can be interpreted in many ways. and I then searched for an article. It turns out that the website's intention was articles about photography. And they happen to write about photography as well. Do not know how they manage to do it, but they do nonetheless. The 'average viewer' as you called them, making it sound like photographers are something above the rest of the people (which they are not), will get out of this website interesting things about photography. And no, I'm not adding this website to my bookmarks, or any other website from this class except for the blog. No, I'm not going to recommend this website to anyone, because I do not even care for it, or it's popularity. Why would I, if I am not interested in it? Exactly- because of the socializing baboons people are. Socializing baboons.

rating:4- it's interesting

New York state police unmanned aerial system. Yes, it has happened, the New York state police unmanned their aerial system. Awesome right? And I learned this completely useless bit of random information thanks to you. Thank you for filling my brain with information I most certainly will not need. Now all I can think about is that New York state police unmanned their aerial system. I actually really do not care if they manned or unmanned their aerial system, but that was by far the only thing I learned today in this class. So, as it is, New York's aerial system is unmanned now. If you still had not guessed, they use drones with cameras now. Some dud posted in the comment a question like 'what will become of our police force in 20 years?' and this other dude replied 'hopefully not like in Minority Report'. And a picture. Socializing baboons.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


25 things:

1)pictures of people
2)pictures of people doing something
3)pictures of a person
4)pictures of a person doing something
5)pictures of staff
6)pictures of teachers
7)pictures of students
8)list of students
9)table of contents
10)pictures of activities
11)pictures of sports
12)page numbers
14)front cover
16)back cover
18)school colors
19)school name
20)address of the school
21)student work
22)music pictures
23)pictures of classes
24)picture of the school

1. What is the title of your book?

more than that

2. What school is it from?


3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book.

pictures and text

4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best?


5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic.

dodgeball game

6. Is there an Index in your book?


7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?


8. Is there a table of contents?


9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?


10. What state is your book from?


Thursday, January 11, 2018


1. What are the origins of the word deadline?

It was used during civil war for prisoners

2. What impact will missing today's deadline have on you?

ungraded homework

3. Have you had issues meeting deadlines in other classes? If so, what consequences did you have for missing those deadlines?

yea, because i was absent- none, so far

4. Do you find yourself missing deadlines on a regular basis? If so, what do you think causes you to miss deadlines?


5. What specifically kept you from meeting today's photo deadline?

nothing stops me

6. What do you plan to do to complete this task as quickly as possible so you can earn as much credit as you can?

i'll just do it now

second website:

1. Which of those eight suggestions do you think might help you be more efficient?

don't get sidetracked

2. Which of the suggestions is the toughest for you to complete? Why?

don't get sidetracked, because i always zone out

3. Are you a morning or night person?


3A. What are some of the problems you might run into because you are more productive at certain times of the day?

i might get nothing done at other times

4. How can you create a dedicated study time for yourself?

i already have one

5. What are three direct things could you do to eliminate distractions?

turn off wi-fi, lock my door, put up the books

third website:

1. Are there any correlations to taking control of your homework and time management?

in Soviet Russia, you don't control the homework, it controls you

2. What is your ideal study setting and mood?

German heavy metal and inspiration

3. What are your biggest distractions when it comes to studying?

internet and music and kids

4. What three things could you do to help with those distractions?

turn off wi-fi, turn off music and shut my door

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

chois=ce sheets

@media (min-width: 1168px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_706056553314672482 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-dWEiV03K1_E\/WeZuITkqBLI\/AAAAAAAACro\/POv90-X1ihcDuNuPktKy19DlPlDoXz-ZACLcBGAs\/w256-h256-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_2770.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 969px) and (max-width: 1167px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_706056553314672482 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-dWEiV03K1_E\/WeZuITkqBLI\/AAAAAAAACro\/POv90-X1ihcDuNuPktKy19DlPlDoXz-ZACLcBGAs\/w1167-h778-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_2770.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 968px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_706056553314672482 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-dWEiV03K1_E\/WeZuITkqBLI\/AAAAAAAACro\/POv90-X1ihcDuNuPktKy19DlPlDoXz-ZACLcBGAs\/w968-h645-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_2770.jpg); } } @media (max-width: 600px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_706056553314672482 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-dWEiV03K1_E\/WeZuITkqBLI\/AAAAAAAACro\/POv90-X1ihcDuNuPktKy19DlPlDoXz-ZACLcBGAs\/w600-h400-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_2770.jpg); } }

it's a photo of strawberries in chocolate, and i chose it because i'm hungry

@media (min-width: 1168px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5767552555559973708 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-qKYJADe5gR4\/WiTGj807fPI\/AAAAAAAACvo\/ACiR5Vt-lC4RWDAfWwMk2zvgi9FOIwVxwCLcBGAs\/w256-h256-p-k-no-nu\/Harris%2BShutter%2BEffect.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 969px) and (max-width: 1167px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5767552555559973708 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-qKYJADe5gR4\/WiTGj807fPI\/AAAAAAAACvo\/ACiR5Vt-lC4RWDAfWwMk2zvgi9FOIwVxwCLcBGAs\/w1167-h778-p-k-no-nu\/Harris%2BShutter%2BEffect.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 968px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5767552555559973708 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-qKYJADe5gR4\/WiTGj807fPI\/AAAAAAAACvo\/ACiR5Vt-lC4RWDAfWwMk2zvgi9FOIwVxwCLcBGAs\/w968-h645-p-k-no-nu\/Harris%2BShutter%2BEffect.jpg); } } @media (max-width: 600px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5767552555559973708 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-qKYJADe5gR4\/WiTGj807fPI\/AAAAAAAACvo\/ACiR5Vt-lC4RWDAfWwMk2zvgi9FOIwVxwCLcBGAs\/w600-h400-p-k-no-nu\/Harris%2BShutter%2BEffect.jpg); } }

it's a photo of a glass with different colored liquids flowing in, and it looks awesome

@media (min-width: 1168px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5960458405182492140 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-BVdXaQiy20A\/WjNmBKtmhDI\/AAAAAAAACy4\/TKk8P9Cl8jAoOOK4NZh58XnsmwYU9f1mgCLcBGAs\/w256-h256-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_4167.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 969px) and (max-width: 1167px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5960458405182492140 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-BVdXaQiy20A\/WjNmBKtmhDI\/AAAAAAAACy4\/TKk8P9Cl8jAoOOK4NZh58XnsmwYU9f1mgCLcBGAs\/w1167-h778-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_4167.jpg); } } @media (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 968px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5960458405182492140 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-BVdXaQiy20A\/WjNmBKtmhDI\/AAAAAAAACy4\/TKk8P9Cl8jAoOOK4NZh58XnsmwYU9f1mgCLcBGAs\/w968-h645-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_4167.jpg); } } @media (max-width: 600px) { #snippet_thumbnail_id_5960458405182492140 { background-image: url(https\:\/\/\/-BVdXaQiy20A\/WjNmBKtmhDI\/AAAAAAAACy4\/TKk8P9Cl8jAoOOK4NZh58XnsmwYU9f1mgCLcBGAs\/w600-h400-p-k-no-nu\/IMG_4167.jpg); } }

it's a santa hat on a branch, and i like the contrast between the bright hat and pitch black sky behind
A picture taken with a slow shutter speed shows the Colima Volcano, the most active in Mexico, during an eruption on Jan. 26.i like this photo because of the fierce nature shown in it
The sun is obscured by the moon during a solar eclipse as seen from an Alaska Airlines jet at 40,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Depoe Bay, Ore., on Aug. 21.i like how the sun attracts the eye
A tree burns near Vouzela, Portugal, on Oct. 17. Dozens of people died in a spate of wildfires, fanned by Ophelia winds hitting the Iberian peninsula.i like the burning tree, it looks awesome

Image result for believer
I chose this picture for the best song of 2017, which is the Believer by Imagine Dragons, because it is the song cover. The main thing that attracted my attention was the three bright lines going up. I also like the darkness on the sides.

Image result for french coast dunkirk I chose this picture because it is the shipwreck of one of the ships sunk during operation Dunkirk, over which was made a movie with the same name. by Christopher Nolan. I also like the simplicity of the photo, and the complexity of the wreck.

Related image I chose this photo, because it is of Trump's inauguration, which is the loudest and wide known news last year. the thing that attracts the eye to this photo is the little amount of people in the crowd.

Honoree Jeff Bezos speaks at the 21st Annual HRC National Dinner at the Washington Convention Center on Oct. 28, 2017 in Washington D.C. i chose this picture, because it is the portrait of Jeff Bezos, who is Amazon CEO and became the richest man last year. I chose this picture because it was the first one.

biggest story:
(L-R): Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement photo and Harvey Weinstein. The biggest story for 2017 was that of Prince Harry's and Meghan's engagement, and Harvey Weinstein. I don't know what Harvey has to do with it, but he was on the same page, so i included him as well.

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.

I received a book called "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories" which is awesome.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2018 year?

Probably to get a girl.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2018?

Finishing freshman year with high GPA.
