Friday, December 8, 2017

magazine preview

1. the image should be appealing
2. it should be interesting
3. should be easy to scan
4. should be worth investing time and money
5. should arouse curiosity

1. formal
2. formal
3. informal
4. environmental
5. formal
6. formal
7. formal
8. formal
9. formal
10. formal
11. formal
12. formal
13. formal
14. formal
15. formal
16. environmental
17. formal

"For Vanity Fair's October Issue-to honor the magazine's birth 100 years ago, in 1913-sexy was the word as we resurrected a Monroe pose and introduced a new logo (smart, slim, serif!). Not to be outdone by the magazine's stately new font, model Kate Upton channeled screen icon Marilyn Monroe as she pouted and posed with a congratulatory birthday cake for photographer Annie Leibovitz. Happy Birthday, indeed."

Happy Birthday idea was communicated through Kate Upton holding the birthday cake.

part 4:
image based magazine covers inlcude a photograph as the main point. Almost always the picture corresponds with the topic of the magazine. Typically the object in the picture will be looking at the camera and smiling. But image based magazine covers can also have an image of a landscape and a meal, in that case, the object can't look at the camera, nor smile at it.

illustration based magazine covers have a drawing as the main point instead of a picture. Some magazines go for computer generated illustrations. Illustration based magazine covers were used in mid 30's of the 20th century, for the lack of photos. Now they're used to represent something funny, typically.

type based magazine covers have just text as the main point insted of a picture or an illustration. These type of covers are rare, but whatever text they contain, it is shocking and striking. Type based magazine photograohs have gained popularity in the past few years. They're interesting to read.

concept based magazine covers can be a mixture of the three types listed above to present a strong message in a certain way. The key to a good concept based magazine cover is that the cover has to be uickly and easily understood. It is also rare, but has popularity in business, weekly news, and independent magazines.

the relationship between photos and words on the magazine cover has to be very connected, because the consumer wants to look at the picture and be able to tell what the magazine is about. 

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