Thursday, November 9, 2017

5 websites:

So the website is about taking photos. But it's not a tutorial on how to take photos, and it's not about video too. It's about 10 resolutions that you should put on your new year resolutions' list. They are just tips to make your photos better.

1) I learned that i should be giving less f***s about other people's opinions.
a) Because it has a cute girl and snow in it
b) Depth of field; complimentary colors
c)Jenna Martin
a) On this website, I saw some very nice pictures. I also saw some good tips for photographers. There were also some Christmas themed photos. And ads, I saw ads.
b) As a photographer I should print more photos
c) It is literally about tips for photographers

This website is about the photos of staircases. Staircases in old houses, to be exact. And those staircases are so disorienting you lose the felling of up and down. Also there are not many words in the article, there are just mainly pictures.

1) I learned that pictures of staircases can be rather disorienting.
a) Because this is the most confusing one
b) analogous colors
c)Christian Richter
a)In this website I saw some ads along the side. I also saw some not so satisfying photos of old staircases. But there were some staircases that didn't look so bad.
b) Staircase photos can be confusing.
c) I think that photos somewhat relate to photography, right?

This website is about tips for photography. It is also about helpful tip for photography. There are also different tips for photography. And finally, it's about tips... for photography.

1) I learned that you can break the rules of photography.
2)Portrait Photo (Main Image)
a)Because it's a rather nice photo
b)analogous colors
c)Yuri Arcurs
a) In this website I saw the difference between photoshopped and original photos. I also saw some interesting tips. And I saw the 'You might also like' banner.
b) I don't have to follow the rules
c) This relates to photography because the tips are for photographers

This website has almost no text. It has photos of the oldest living things in the world. There are quite a few of those pictures here. All these things are 2,000 years old/er.
a)I like birch trees
c)Rachel Sussman
a) In this website I saw a few photos of old living things. I also saw a review by a random person. And there was a little paragraph of what the photographer had to say about all this.
b)Birch trees are over 2,000 years old
c)These are photos and relate to photography

This website is about all the photos taken of Obama. It is an interview transcript with Pete Souza. Also it advertises his book. And this is just a preview, I'm disappointed.

1) I have learned that Obama was on Edmund Pettus Bridge.
a)Try to find Obama in there
b)no rules
c) Pete Souza
a) I saw a bunch of pictures of Obama. I also saw ads. And finally I saw that this was just one giant ad.
b)Obama was many places
c)photos are from photography

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