Friday, September 29, 2017


1) advantages of using high iso is that you can capture anything you need with enough light at high speeds and still have a good picture
2)low iso has better quality images and is good for when shooting from a tripod
3)high iso is good for motion photography and shooting without a tripod

if i was a bulldogs and hotdogs...

b)bit faster than previous one
f)same as c

ways of shutter speed:
1)auto-camera sets everything
2)shutter priority-camera selects aperture, you set shutter speed
3)aperture priority-camera selects shutter speed, you set aperture
4)manual-you set everything

shutter speed

fast shutter speed
very slow shutter speed


das ist f2.8
und das ist f16
the part of the bod that we should relate aperture to is an eye.
the smaller the aperture, the bigger the circle, the larger the aperture, the smaller the circle is
aperture either blurs the background, or sharpens it.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

academic review:

Academic shoot review

1)the challenges we met while following the directions that teacher set, was... following those directions. We ended up walking into the class all together, and not one by one. We did do it quietly.

2)I was focusing mainly on exposure and shutter speed, and I had a few photos too dark, so I adjusted shutter speed.

3) I would most certainly check the weather and not go to the portables right before the rain.

4) I would keep the shutter speed the same.

5) rule of thirds would be the easiest to achieve.

6) The hardest rule for me to achieve is depth of field.

7)Avoiding mergers doesn't really make sense to me, I'll just avoid the rule, I guess.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

academic shoot

top left:
1) unusual perspective, sort of rule of thirds
2) the guitar head is the subject
3)I think it's pretty clear to see that the subject is the guitar head, I mean, it takes up most of the image
top right:
1)leading lines
2) computers are the main subject
3)it is pretty clear that the computers are the subject
low left:
1)leading lines
2) computers are the main subject
3)it is pretty clear that the computers are the subject

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

academic preview

action: it's a picture of a girl by an angle cutter with sparks flying all over the place interesting stuff: the picture has a boy writing on air, and it looks cool story: the pic is about 2 guys who are testing a robot they built to do a specific task hunt: the picture has 2 guys with rifles walking through water in it. 1)because i would love to do that sometime 2)rule of thirds 1)campus 2) mrs. Berret's 3)find a subject, and get a picture of it

and the pictures couldn't be uploaded

ansel adams biography

9/11 composition

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